OpenBuildings GenerativeComponents Help


A DTransform3d is made up of two parts: a matrix part and a translation part. The matrix part is usually a rotation, although it could also include a scale or a sheer. The translation part is a move. A DTransform3d can be just a translation or just a matrix transformation or both. The DTransform3d is a matrix of twelve doubles:

	new DTransform3d(double axx, double ayy, double azz)
	new DTransform3d(diagonalValue)
	new DTransform3d(double axx, double axy, double axz,
double axw, double ayx, double ayy, double ayz, double ayw, double
azx, double azy, double azz, double azw)
	new DTransform3d(ref DMatrix3d Matrix)
	new DTransform3d(double axx, double axy, double axz,
double ayx, double ayy, double ayz, double azx, double azy, double

This is an example of initializing just a translation:

	transform1.InitTranslation(ref DPoint3d Point)

This is an example of initializing a Matrix and translation:

	transform1.InitMatrixAndFixedPoint(ref DMatrix3d Matrix,
ref DPoint3d Point)

An inverse Translation is very useful to find the XTranslation or YTranslation of a DPoint3d based in coordinateSystem other than the baseCS:

	DTransform3d transD3d = cs.DTransform3d;
	DTransform3d inTransD3d;
	bool invert = inTransD3d.InverseOf(ref transD3d);